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NVC in Education

NVC in Education

Are you a passionate teacher interested in introducing Nonviolent Communication (NVC) to your students? 

Help us beta test Classroom Connections, a program designed to support young learners in developing emotional literacy, needs consciousness, empathy, self-empathy, and honesty skills using our Kids GROK products.

Starting February 2024, we'll be working with a group PreK, K, 1st, and 2nd-grade teachers wanting to test and provide feedback for GROK's beta test of the Classroom Connections curriculum. 

Will you join us?

We’ll meet 2x/month in February, March and April to:

  1. A) Introduce new concepts & activities from the Classroom Connections curriculum
  2. B) Give you a chance to ask questions, share your experiences, and get any support you may need
  3. C) Hear your feedback on the curriculum

Our goal is to equip you with effective tools to create an emotionally intelligent and empathetic learning environment and to learn how to make our offering as robust as possible.

Requirements: To ensure a meaningful experience, we recommend that you have at least a basic understanding of NVC. If you've read Marshall Rosenberg's book or have taken courses, you're well-prepared to join us.

If you're enthusiastic about being part of our first cohort of teachers (or if you know others who are interested), please express your interest by writing to us at We’d like to know:

  • Your name
  • What grade level do you teach
  • School name and location
  • Your level of NVC experience
  • Any colleagues you’d like us to invite (if relevant)

Let’s start integrating NVC principles into early education!

We’ll  be sharing more information in the coming months. For now - let us know if you’re interested!

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