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WorkShop Supplies

WorkShop Supplies

Are you wanting to offer NVC to groups?

If so, we’re going to be sharing more resources over the next six months. For now, I want to get you started with a resource that’s super practical: my workshop checklist.

I’ve spent a lot of time over the years honing my list of workshop supplies. I wanted to include all the essentials for an awesome event (and to use events to fill my 1:1 private practice)...

But not a single. thing. more. Because, IMO, carrying everything in one trip = happy trainer.

So here it is! This is what I bring when training in organizations like Google and PayPal - as well as more small-scale, personalized NVC workshops.

Workshop Checklist:

  • Nametags - it’s a nice touch to be able to use folks’ first names right off the bat
  • GROK Empathy Games - 4 decks for Empathy Poker (plus an opened deck or two for giveaways)
  • Big GROK - I like to set the stage with a beautiful Needs “sunburst” in the center of the room
  • Handouts & Pens
  • Stay Connected forms - a signup sheet for folks that want to join my email list or learn about individual coaching
  • Jackal & Giraffe Puppets
  • Wristwatch - Glancing at your phone too often is no bueno even if you’re just trying to track time
  • Runsheet/Clipboard - I don’t think I’ll ever completely let go of paper notes/agendas
  • Laptop/Slides
  • Easel/Paper

GROK games add FUN and DEPTH to NVC events

If you’d like to learn to use GROK cards during your NVC Intros, here’s an invitation.

I’d love for you to join me and dozens of NVC trainers at a free online event, Time for Empathy. My session is on Monday, March 4th (but I believe you can sign up and get the recordings all week).

It’s easy to introduce NVC skills in classrooms, work settings, and facilitation spaces with GROK - so come see how we do it! Register for this free online event here. Hope you’ll stop by!

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