GROK's the Word

Listen Deeply--Save a Life

Listen Deeply--Save a Life

As we welcome in a new year during these unsettled times, it’s more important than ever to be mindful of the good that’s all around us. New opportunities for love,...

An Attitude of Gratitude

An Attitude of Gratitude

What are you grateful for? Take a moment and think of one or two things, we’ll wait!Gratitude is our continued focus this month, specifically on developing an ‘attitude of gratitude.’...

All You Need is…Empathy

All You Need is…Empathy

When I first learned how to make empathy guesses using Nonviolent Communication skills, it felt foreign, awkward, and stilted. Almost as though I was learning a foreign language. I would...

Parenting from the Heart with PPLP

Parenting from the Heart with PPLP

One would think being immersed with Nonviolent Communication at a young, impressionable age would magically make that person an expert in NVC. Being raised around an NVC consciousness and someone...

(Not) Lost at Sea Sale

(Not) Lost at Sea Sale

Once upon a time, November of 2020, autumn waning and icy winds of winter blowing their chilly breath, we were waiting (and waiting...and waiting) for our GROK inventory to arrive...