GROK's the Word

Empathy in the Park

Empathy in the Park

Ever since having kids, playground politics has been a hot topic of conversation amongst friends. There is so much happening on so many levels in such a small space. Interactions...



An Excerpt from The Healing Power of Empathy: True Stories About Transforming Relationships Edited by Mary Goyer Sixteen-year-old Zeke was an active member of the Ku Klux Klan. I met...

Bringing Joy and Meaning to Life

Bringing Joy and Meaning to Life

Among the many and varied themes that have flowed throughout my 7.5 decades, I can identify two favorites that continue to bring joy and meaning to my life: making stuff’...

Things I Know for Sure (...I think*)

Things I Know for Sure (...I think*)

70 years. In some ways, it seems like such a long time, yet it can feel like the blink of an eye. This month I’ll have lived 70 years on...

GROK The World with Love

GROK The World with Love

February sure invites a lot of attention about love, right?! Beyond the marketing of all the material aspects of love and valentines this month, what is your relationship with love? ...