GROK's the Word

Grokin' with Myself and a Mother's Celebration

Grokin' with Myself and a Mother's Celebration

When embarking on personal growth work in the present, one important practice is to show compassion and empathy for yourself in the past. We have all experienced trauma and difficulty...

How are you Feeling...Really?

How are you Feeling...Really?

When someone new asks, “How are you?” do you find yourself answering “Fine?” The word ‘fine’ is a culturally expected response, especially in casual circumstances like when in line at...


There truly is no way to prepare yourself for having kids. Prior to giving birth to my daughter Audrey, in my futile attempt to prepare for the unpreparable, (an excellent...

Celebrating Mourning

On a recent vacation in a Mexican village, I was surprised to find myself in the midst of a community in mourning. Two days before I came, a 21-year-old girl...

Got Empathy?

In Nonviolent Communication, when we teach empathy we often begin with the following phrase “Are you feeling (insert feeling guess) because you’re needing (insert guess)? Students of NVC know that...